THE HUFFINGTON POST: Marco Rubio Calls For A Shift In Rhetoric On Immigration
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) hasn't endorsed a Republican candidate or said that he wants to be vice president, but that doesn't mean that GOP hopefuls don't want him to join them on the ticket.
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THE WASHINGTON POST: Davos Head Offers To Meet With Occupy Protesters; UN Rights Chief Calls For Them To Be Heard
The head of the World Economic Forum on Friday invited members of the “Occupy” movement to meet him in person, to discuss their concerns about the exclusive gathering of global business and government leaders.
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CHRISTIAN TODAY: Global Evangelical Body Plans Egyptian Summit, Calls For Worldwide Prayer
Exactly one year ago, Egypt experienced the start of a revolution that resulted in the ousting of its former president Hosni Mubarak and changed the nation's political landscape permanently.
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POLITICO: For GOP, Dislike For Obama Trumps All
Mitt Romney’s big loss in the GOP South Carolina primary has given new life to the claim that evangelical voters won’t support him because of his Mormon religion. Our new poll shows that evangelical opposition to his faith would hinder Romney in a Republican primary.
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THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE: Who Are Evangelicals?
Evangelicals have been in the news a lot lately — from Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow, who plays and prays football with scriptures stenciled to his face, to the Texas pastor and his wife, who spent 24 hours in bed preaching the virtues of sex in Christian marriages.
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SLATE: A Scalpel, Not A Hatchet
The Pentagon revealed a bit more of its defense budget today, and, really, the proposed cuts in spending amount to no big deal. It would be hard to justify not making these cuts. If Congress winds up wanting to cut deeper, there’s plenty of room for more hacking.
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MOTHER JONES: Climate Change Goes Back To Square Zero
The Wall Street Journal has apparently tapped into the tea party id today and written the ur-text of modern-day climate denial we've all been waiting for. Ed Kilgore, from his new perch at my old perch, reads it so I don't have to.
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THINK PROGRESS: Rick Santorum: Gingrich And Romney ‘Bought Into The Global Warming Hoax’
In his final question at the Florida Republican presidential debate on CNN, Rick Santorum told Wolf Blitzer why he was more likely to defeat President Obama than Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. “Cap and trade!” Santorum said. “Both of them bought into the global warming hoax!”
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