CNN: The Psychological Toll Of War (OPINION)
What motivated an American soldier to allegedly open fire and kill 16 innocent Afghan civilians in cold blood? No one knows at this point. The soldier, an Army staff sergeant, seems to have acted alone, and he turned himself in to authorities after the shooting rampage. What we do know is that he had been injured in an accident while deployed to Iraq in 2010. Despite being diagnosed with traumatic brain injury, he was found fit for duty.
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THE HUFFINGTON POST: Mike Huckabee: 2012 GOP Candidates Must Stop Trying To 'Shred Each Other'
Mike Huckabee weighed in on the Republican presidential primary on Tuesday, warning the remaining candidates to stop efforts to "shred each other" in pursuit of the nomination.
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THE GUARDIAN: Obama And Cameron Must Strike A Balance Over Afghanistan Withdrawal
The decisions taken this week by Barack Obama and David Cameron, and the language they use to convey them, may come to determine the speed and character of the west's withdrawal from Afghanistan over the next two years.
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BBC: Syria Laying Landmines Along Border: Human Rights Watch
Syria is laying landmines near its borders with Lebanon and Turkey, along routes used by refugees to escape the violence, Human Rights Watch reports.
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THE NATION: Have We Gone From A Mancession To A Shecovery? Not Quite.
The jobs numbers that came out on Friday looked so much better than what we’re used to—or at least didn’t suck quite as hard as usual—that there was some victory dancing in the blogosphere. And there are certainly some positive signs. But a premature victory for women once again reared its head. The fears of a mancession have returned in a new shape, as David Leonhardt wondered if we’re about to move out of the “hecovery” period—in which men made job gains while women lost them—to a “shecovery.” He points out that over the past two months, the number of employed men only rose by 83,000, while women were up 192,000 jobs.
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THE ATLANTIC: The Spectacular Triumph Of Working Women Around The World
Growth is complicated. But there are a few easy rules. One such decree is that you cannot expect to have a fully functioning economy if you insist on treating half of your adult population like second-class citizens.
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THE NEW YORK TIMES: The Reproduction Of Privilege
Instead of serving as a springboard to social mobility as it did for the first decades after World War II, college education today is reinforcing class stratification, with a huge majority of the 24 percent of Americans aged 25 to 29 currently holding a bachelor’s degree coming from families with earnings above the median income.
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THE HILL: Obama Warns Opponents Against 'Using Religion As A Bludgeon In Politics'
President Obama warned against "using religion as a bludgeon in politics," pushing back against critics who have accused him of waging a "war on religion" through recent policy decisions.
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MOTHER JONES: Can Progressives Ride The Occupy Train To Congress?
Could last fall's Occupy fever portend a progressive takeover of Congress? The answer could hinge on the outcome of an upcoming Democratic primary in a congressional district near Chicago, where a corporate-friendly centrist faces a remarkably stiff challenge from a 25-year-old Occupy Wall Street supporter who has even cut an OWS-themed campaign ad.
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OREGON LIVE: Defining The Occupy Movement: It's Not Just About The Money (OPINION)
In two recent commentaries in December and February, I have spoken about the necessity of restoring citizen control over our country with a congressional district electoral strategy that gets us the majority numbers needed to actually govern. I have outlined how we do it and our capacity to get it done. Yet the most meaningful and precious moments that are central to our happiness are not found in the political system outside our door, but in a deeper longing for a life of meaning and purpose.
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SALON: Where Have You Gone, Mister Rogers?
One of the most radical figures of contemporary history never ran a country or led a battle. He was not known for his fiery speeches or his daring action. Instead, he became a legend by wearing a cardigan and taking off his shoes.
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