Kirsten Powers Confronts Misogynist Pastor Face-to-Face on FoxNews | Sojourners

Kirsten Powers Confronts Misogynist Pastor Face-to-Face on FoxNews

FoxNews contributor (and friend of Sojourners) Kirsten Powers has been outspoken in her criticism of the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a frequent guest and friend of Fox's Sean Hannity.

On March 5, Peterson took to the airways on his "Exploring Your Destiny with Jesse Lee Peterson" program and delivered a message/sermon titled, "How Most Women Are Building a Shameless Society." Powers, a Democtrat who also happens to be an evangelical Christian, began posting a litany of tweets on Twitter castigating Peterson for his blatant misogyny.

(Read a piece by Sojourners' staff writers Nicole Higgins and James Colten taking Peterson to task HERE.)

On Tuesday, Powers took the opportunity -- on the air during Hannity's show on which she is also a frequent guest -- to confront Peterson face-to-face.

You go, girl.

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