In Less Than Two Minutes, This Clip From 'black-ish' Explains Why Racism in America Isn’t Over | Sojourners

In Less Than Two Minutes, This Clip From 'black-ish' Explains Why Racism in America Isn’t Over

Screenshot via Urban Intellectuals/Facebook

“Let’s say they listen to the cops and get in the car,” Anthony Anderson’s character Dre said Feb. 24 on black-ish, referring to his kids, if they were to be arrested.

“Look what happened to Freddie Gray.”

The scene is a simple family discussion around the living room TV, but for one minute and 30 seconds, Anthony Anderson transforms it into a profoundly moving meditation on police violence, the hope Barack Obama’s election represented, and the reality of being black in America.

Racism is still a live issue in the United States, and on Feb. 24, black-ish explained why. Watch below:

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