If you all didn't know already, Sojourners has a twitter account! It's been a lot of fun communicating with all of you "followers" on twitter. Every once in a while, a tweet will strike a chord and we'll get some really great responses. Today we asked, "What books have inspired, challenged, or entertained you lately? In the digital age, let us spend some time reveling in the printed page!" Here are just some of what the tweeps responded with.
JosephPMathews@Sojourners: Take This Bread, by Sara Miles.
JesseTheJoker@Sojourners: The Relentless Tenderness of Jesus, by Brennan Manning.
CCWilmette@Sojourners: Fool, by Christopher Moore, Finding Our Way Again
, by McLaren, and finally In the Name of Jesus,
by Nouwen.
fireloop@Sojourners: Recently finished Cormac McCarthy's The Road which I enjoyed...
freshgreenbeans@Sojourners: Iris Murdoch's The Sovereignty of Good.
suzigurl@Sojourners inspiring books: Next by the guy that wrote Liar's Poker
(Michael Lewis) and Good to Great
, by Jim Collins (an oldie but a goody.)
lbloder@Sojourners: Rob Bell's Jesus Wants 2 Save Xians has been on my list this year, Shane Hipps' Flickering Pixels
was very challenging, and Seth Godin.
dtatusko@Sojourners: Brink Lindsey's The Age of Abundance -- it revealed to me why we are such an economically and politically dysfunctional people.
ttennheat@Sojourners: The Green Bible - the intros are even incredible. Serve God, Save the Planet, Life Is So Good
, They Like Jesus but Not the Church
dlspecht@Sojourners: Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma and Kingsolver's Animal, Vegetable, Miracle.
To sign up for Sojourners twitter feed, go to https://twitter.com/Sojourners.
Jeannie Choi is an assistant editor at Sojourners.
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