Senate Passes Military Bill That Delays Efforts to Close Guantánamo | Sojourners

Senate Passes Military Bill That Delays Efforts to Close Guantánamo

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The Senate passed the annual military bill on Nov. 10 with an overwhelming 91-3 vote, reports The New York Times.

The measure includes provisions that prevent the transfer of Guantánamo detainees to the United States, effectively blocking any attempt to close the terrorist detention facility.

According to The New York Times:

Closing the detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, is an unfulfilled promise of Mr. Obama’s presidency. The military policy measure, however, would make that extraordinarily difficult because it keeps in place a ban on bringing Guantánamo detainees into the United States, even for prosecution or continued detention in another prison. The bill would tighten restrictions on transferring detainees to other countries. Mr. Obama’s plan to close the prison involves transferring 53 of the remaining detainees and bringing the other 61 to a prison on American soil.

The White House officials said that Mr. Obama intended to send Congress a plan soon to close the detention center.

Mr. Obama’s opposition to the Guantánamo Bay language has not changed, said Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary. “What the president does believe, though, is that there are a number of provisions in the N.D.A.A. that are important to running and protecting the country.” N.D.A.A. is an abbreviation for the bill, called the National Defense Authorization Act.

President Obama plans to sign the bill despite its provisions blocking the transfer of detainees.

Read the full article here.