Weekly Wrap 3.4.16: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week | Sojourners

Weekly Wrap 3.4.16: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week

1. WATCH: How Stealing Elections Became Legal

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How Stealing Elections Became Legal

#SuperTuesday voting, yay! BUT did you know we're in the midst of the biggest rollback to voting rights since Jim Crow?? Find out more: http://bit.ly/1QquxC6

Posted by Sojourners on Tuesday, March 1, 2016

2. ...And Do Something About It

Are you as outraged as we are about the state of voting rights? Join us in calling on your governor to protect everyone’s right to vote in your state.

3. ‘Spotlight’ Just Won an Oscar. So Why am I Worried About the Future of Religion Journalism?

Veteran ‘God beat’ journalist Bob Smietana writes for the Washington Post on the importance of — and troubling lack of resources for — religion reporters at our nation’s newspapers.

4. Scenes from Iconic Films Hastily Rewritten So They Pass the Bechdel Test

Scarface —

TRAVIS: Are you talkin’ to me?

JENNIFER: No, I’m talking to my friend Melinda. Hi, Melinda.

MELINDA: Hi, Jennifer.

5. You Can Now Get a Bachelor’s Degree in Gospel Music

“‘Attitudes, beliefs, and institutional histories [in higher education] are bent toward European standards. Gospel singing is reserved for church and not considered proper or sophisticated.’ Nyack’s new major is an attempt to change these biases.”

6. Rape Victims, ‘Peacekeeper Babies’ Suffer Amid Growing UN Sex Abuse Crisis

“Since the U.N. peacekeeping mission here began [in the Central African Republic] in 2014, its employees have been formally accused of sexually abusing or exploiting 42 local civilians, most of them underage girls.” Those girls are now raising what the U.N. calls “peacekeeper babies.”

7. NASA’s Scott Kelly Grew 2 Inches in Space

Here’s a fascinating list of all the things being in space does to your body — and all the new physical differences between Scott Kelly and his identical twin brother, Mark.

8. A Feminist Street Artist Paints a Hopeful Image Over War-Torn Kabul

“Art cannot change anything directly. Art can only change people’s minds, and then people’s minds can change the society. That is what I hope for.”

9. Nina Simone’s Family Asks Fans Not to Watch Biopic

“Simone’s dark complexion and traditionally African features were central to her identity and concept of black beauty, so casting someone with [Zoe] Saldana’s more European appearance is galling, said Miriam J. Petty, an assistant professor in the radio-television-film department at Northwestern University.”

10. Bible Verses Where the Word ‘Forgiveness’ Has Been Replaced with ‘Um, I Was Kidding. It’s a Joke.’

Essential reading.