Zimmerman to Auction Gun That Killed Trayvon Martin | Sojourners

Zimmerman to Auction Gun That Killed Trayvon Martin

Mug Shot from Seminole County Florida
Image via Seminole County Florida

George Zimmerman, acquitted in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin on Feb. 26, 2012, now claims he will auction the gun that took Trayvon Martin's life.

Former neighborhood watch volunteer Zimmerman listed the weapon on gunbroker.com promoting the sale as "your opportunity to own a piece of American history."

The bidding will begin on Thursday, May 12. Zimmerman states he’ll also be donating some of the profits to fighting the Black Lives Matter movement and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton:

“A portion of the proceeds will be used to: fight BLM violence against Law Enforcement officers, ensure the demise of Angela Correy's persecution career and Hillary Clinton's anti-firearm rhetoric.”

Zimmerman also did an interview with a local Fox News affiliate, shared widely on Twitter last night:

He claimed many had expressed interest, including "the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C." The Smithsonian has strongly denied the claim

Gun violence is a disease in America, claiming almost 90 victims each day. But this is a new low for glorifying that violence. White evangelicals in particular are the largest subgroup in America to oppose new gun control measures, but there’s a new wave of Christians standing up to gun violence. 

Evangelical pastor Rob Schneck wrote in the May issue of Sojourners, “It is past time for pastors, theologians, Bible teachers, and Christian ehticisits to take up the issue of guns…as a theological emergency.”