Danny Duncan Collum, author of the novel White Boy, teaches writing at Kentucky State University in Frankfort. 

Posts By This Author

The Outlaw Rebel

by Danny Duncan Collum 05-01-2002

When I heard about the death of country singer Waylon Jennings in February, my mind flashed back to the day I first bought one of his records.

How to Live Forever

by Danny Duncan Collum 03-01-2002
Studs Terkel reflects on life, death, and oral history.

The Rockabilly Movement

by Danny Duncan Collum 03-01-2002

During the month of March, PBS affiliates will be airing a documentary called Welcome to the Club—The Women of Rockabilly.

Why "Imagine"? Why Now?

by Danny Duncan Collum 01-01-2002
The song has again become a vital statement of hope and even a resource for resistance.

Worth Noting…

by Danny Duncan Collum 11-01-2001

For more than 20 years, Elie Wiesel has been America's official bearer of memory, keeper of accounts, and arbiter of propriety regarding the Holocaust.

Harry Potter Comes Home

by Danny Duncan Collum 11-01-2001

‘‘The [Harry Potter computer] game will feature a series of challenges, all inspired by the original book's storyline..."

Rock's Little Secret

by Danny Duncan Collum 09-01-2001
Rock has done the most to break down social conventions and cultural norms. So where are the gay rock stars?

Flagging Racial Progress

by Danny Duncan Collum 07-01-2001

Mississippi votes to keep the 'Stars and Bars.'

Southern Bells

by Danny Duncan Collum 07-01-2001

Country music has always been cruel to its purest products.

Keeping it 'Real'

by Danny Duncan Collum 05-01-2001

Disney's 'urban' experience is cleaned-up, dumbed-down, and smoothed-over.

The Bottom Line on the Beatles

by Danny Duncan Collum 03-01-2001

This collection has no reason to exist, except as a shameless exploitation of the Lennon-McCarney catalog.

Free Citizens or Spoiled Children?

by Danny Duncan Collum 01-01-2001
Who owns our culture? Who decides what our songs and stories will be?

The Telecommunications Land Rush

by Danny Duncan Collum 11-01-2000

In the 19th century, with much sweat and blood, immigrant labor gangs pushed a railroad across the newly continental United States.

The Democratic Dance

by Danny Duncan Collum 11-01-2000
On the campaign trail, populism's hot—but will it last?

Sacred Connections

by Danny Duncan Collum 09-01-2000

I heard it in passing on National Public Radio’s All Things Considered one afternoon; it was a blurb for an upcoming story.

To the River Together

by Danny Duncan Collum 07-01-2000

Family and community at the Bruce Springsteen show.

Dead Certain

by Danny Duncan Collum 07-01-2000

For the past 25 years, executions have taken place somewhere in America almost every week. They happened in the dead of night.

Yahoo for Hackers

by Danny Duncan Collum 05-01-2000
E-commerce guerrillas are the direct descendants of Abbie Hoffman.

Like so many big events of the digital age, the February shutdown of all those major e-commerce Web sites (Yahoo, E*TRADE, eBay, etc.) didn’t make much of a dent in my real life.

Yes, we have a computer and Internet access. But the computer is not in our house; it’s in an outbuilding we turned into an office. It’s only 20 feet from our back door, but those 20 feet, and a childproof lock on the door, are enough to separate our family’s real life from the virtual one. We unlock the door for specific work- or study-related purposes and lock it again when the job is done. The only exception is e-mail for far-flung family and friends.

As it happened, the day of the great Web meltdown was very cold, and I was out late with a night class. So I didn’t even walk those 20 feet to check the e-mail, much less fire up Yahoo in search of the latest TV and movie news. (Hey, for me that’s work-related!) When I finally did hear the news, the significance (dare I say justice?) of the event was plain.

Left historian Michael Kazin told The Village Voice that the e-commerce guerrillas are the direct descendants of Abbie Hoffman, and he was right. There has not been a more perfect symbolic, made-for-media political act since Hoffman and company dumped baskets of dollar bills onto the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.

Arise, Ye Prisoners of Globalization

by Danny Duncan Collum 03-01-2000

Something new entered history on November 30, 1999.

It's a Playboy World After All

by Danny Duncan Collum 01-01-2000

Get out the garlic! Hef is back. That was the gist of a series of articles last summer and fall chronicling the return to the limelight of Playboy magazine founder Hugh Hefner.