Danny Duncan Collum, author of the novel White Boy, teaches writing at Kentucky State University in Frankfort.
Posts By This Author
Why Does Glenn Beck Hate Community Organizers?
The Main Reason: They upend the power structure to give people at the bottom a better chance.
Gaming the Curriculum
Corporate Country's Sell-Out
A Virtual Monopoly
Corporate Blocks on Broadband
High-speed Internet service arrived at our home this week. We’re only one decade late for the 21st century, and the rejoicing has reached the heavens.
The Voiceless Majority
I have a relative up in the Rust Belt who owns a small machine tool company and watches Fox News.
Prosperity Pedagogy
My oldest child is applying to colleges, so there’s been a lot of talk around my house this year about the underlying purpose and real value of education.
America's Rebel Artist
Was Jack Kerouac a keeper of visions or a self-destructive individualist?
Fat Cats and Failed Systems
Seeing is Believing
God's Word for the Pint-Sized
Family Reunions
Long Live Gravity
Smart people concocted a fantasy empire based on investing in other people’s debt.
Changing Our Minds
When I began writing this column back in 1985, my page could hold up to 1,000 words. Over the years that number has shrunk, first to 800, then 700.