Posts By This Author
It's How You Play the Game
What to Do About Spam?
Technology does not uproot the themes of trust and betrayal in our human drama.
Toward a Revolutionary Kindness
An interview with The Body Shop founder Anita Roddick.
Saving the Corporate Soul
"Think about how much of our lives we spend at work," the executive of a New York publishing house said wistfully to me.
Values that Succeed
Eight principles for life in an honest, value-centered, competitive organization.
A Tale of Two Countries
I began 2003 in Cuba. It's a good practice to launch a new year with fresh insights. Cuba did not disappoint. It was my first visit to the island nation.
Lean and Downright Mean
'Lean and mean' is the shapely figure to which companies are called to conform these days. It's worrisome that the mantra implies a clever business strategy.
Utopia: All It's Not Cracked Up To Be
Have you ever noticed how much of our political language relies on binary logic? "Binary what?" you say—think the North and South Pole.
Here's an axiom that's half a binary pair: Before making an appeal for political action, describe a moment when the problem did not exist, at least in the form or to the degree it does now. Creating this mental space will then enable people to make progress by looking backward, effectively re-creating a past social order.
Alternative to axiom one: Promise freedom and justice in a world that is yet to come. Although here and now life is alienated, the future will break into history and transform what we have here into an entirely new place.
Both these axioms of political language have their theological counterpart, of course. Since there is no place outside the Garden of Eden that is free from the traps of history, release from bondage can only truly occur in the realm of the ideal.
In the Judeo-Christian West, "time" was destined to become our holy grail. Redemption can be found in time past (the Garden) or time future (heaven), both of which are bound by eternity. Time so conceived has no organic link to place. The forthcoming (future) and the antecedent (past) are not contingent on the horizon of the present.
You Are What You Owe
Want some free financial consultation? It won't take more than a few seconds, I promise.
Poor Enron
The once mighty energy trader has become everyone's favorite whipping boy. Unjustly so, I say.
Stem Cell Politics
Its a scary thing to find yourself in bed with Orrin Hatch.
A Platform for a Movement
Lost (and Found) in Space
Millionaire space tourist Dennis Tito's joy ride was sheer hubris; talk about placing yourself at the center of the universe!
God Is My Palm Pilot
Is technology the tool of the devil? The primrose path to a better life? Or something in between?