Duane Shank was Associate Editor for Sojourners magazine and was on the staff from 1995 to 2014. 

Duane has been active as an organizer and administrator in the peace and justice movement for 35 years, beginning as a draft resistance and antiwar organizer during the Vietnam war. He has worked as a community organizer in the rural south, in interfaith coalitions, and in the nuclear weapons freeze and Central America solidarity movements of the 1980s. His positions have included Associate for the National Inter-religious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors; National Coordinator for the Committee Against Registration and the Draft; Deputy Director and Acting Executive Director for SANE/Freeze; and Research Fellow for the Institute for Policy Studies.

Duane attended Eastern Mennonite University. He is a Anabaptist/Mennonite, and currently an active member and serves on the worship leadership team of the Community of Christ ecumenical congregation in the Mt. Pleasant neighborhood of Washington, D.C. His views on faith and politics have been shaped by (among others), John Howard Yoder, Abraham Joshua Heschel, Martin Luther King, Jr., Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Oscar Romero.

Duane is married to Ellen Kennel. They have a daughter, Celeste, a graduate of Goshen College, IN, the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University, and the University of Chicago Divinity School.

In addition to family, church, and work; his passions are baseball (Washington Nationals), blues (Buddy Guy and Stevie Ray Vaughan) and bluegrass music (Ralph Stanley), and barbecue.


Posts By This Author

The latest news on Obama Afghanistan strategy, Afghanistan-on the ground, Budget, Immigration, National service, Death penalty, Sudan airstrikes, North Korea, Opinion.

by Duane Shank 03-27-2009

The Latest news on President's press conference, Budget, Immigrant human rights, Labor, Prisons, Wasted food, Obama and Notre Dame, Executions, Mexico, Darfur, Pakistan, Israel, Iraq, Editorial and Select Op-Eds

by Duane Shank 03-25-2009

The latest news on Bank plan, Health insurance, "Plan B", Catholics and politicians, Clean air, Clean energy, Nuclear weapons, Obama and G-20 Summit, Brown and G-20 Summit, Darfur, Climate change and famine, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Israel, Mexico, Po

by Duane Shank 03-24-2009

The latest news on Immigration, Lobby regulations, Employee Free Choice Act, Church for Obamas, Homeless with cell phones, Pope in Africa, Mexico, G-20, Darfur, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Israel-Gaza, Colombia, South Africa, and Select Op-Eds

by Duane Shank 03-23-2009

The latest news on White House garden, Corporate bonuses, Budget, Unemployed vets, G-20, Afghanistan, Israeli government, Israel-Gaza, Iraq, Iran, Editorial, and Select Op-Eds.

by Duane Shank 03-20-2009

The latest news on Iraq Anniversary, AIG Bonuses, Fed Aids Economy, Service Programs Expand, Death Penalty, Teen Pregnancy, Church Mortgages, Army 'Stop-Loss' Program, Afghanistan Surge, Israel-Palestine, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Select Op-eds.

by Duane Shank 03-19-2009

The latest news on the Budget, Health Care, AIG Bonuses, Seminaries, Books in Prisons, Gay Rights, Newspapers, Faith & Medicine, Pope in Africa, Afghanistan, Sudan, Iran, North Korea, IAEA, and Select Op-eds.

by Duane Shank 03-18-2009

The latest news on Anger at Bonuses, Small Business, Income Inequality, Immigrants, Weapons Cuts, Nuclear Weapons, Russian Rearmament, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Israel, El Salvador, Darfur, Zimbabwe, and Select Op-eds.

by Duane Shank 03-17-2009

The latest news on Obama and Pastors, Budget, Employee Free Choice Act, Bailout, Torture and Terrorism, Nonprofit Volunteers, Canadians Visit U.S. War Resister, El Salvador, Afghanistan, West Bank, Iraq, Darfur, Pakistan, Iran, Pope to Africa, and Select

by Duane Shank 03-16-2009

The latest news on Texas Gov Refuses Unemployment Aid, Homelessness and Health Care, Abortion, Pope Concedes Mistake, Darfur, G20 Finance Ministers Meet, U.S.-Mexico, Climate Change, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Hamas, Hezbollah, El Salvador, India, and Select

by Duane Shank 03-13-2009

The latest news on Obama Signs '09 Budget, Unemployment, Foreclosures, SC Gov Rejects Stimulus, White House Council on Women, AZ Sheriff Investigation, Death Penalty, Intelligence Nominee Withdraws, Newspapers Dying, Global Bailout, Stem Cells, Felon Voti

by Duane Shank 03-12-2009

The latest news on the Budget Resolution, Education, Employee Free Choice Act, Economy, Judicial Nominees, Border Fence, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Darfur, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Israel, and Select Op-eds.

by Duane Shank 03-11-2009

The latest news on Homeless Children, Stem Cells, Good Deeds, Bad Deeds, Ohio Budget Crisis, the Administration & Prayer, Immigration, Voting Rights, World Economy, Tibet, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, Israel-Palestine, and Select Op-eds.

by Duane Shank 03-10-2009

The latest news on Religious Survey, Reconciliation and Redemption, Stem Cell Research, Unemployment, Global Recession, Iraq, Nuclear Weapons, Iran, Afghanistan, Darfur, El Salvador, Zimbabwe, and Select Op-eds.

by Duane Shank 03-09-2009

The latest news on Unemployment, Health Care, Budget, Stock Market, Immigration, Proposition 8, Sri Lanka, Darfur, Kenya, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia, and Select Op-eds.

by Duane Shank 03-06-2009

The latest news on Poverty Commentary, Foreclosure Aid, Charities, Police Cuts, Vets Brain Injuries, Hispanic School Children, Same-Sex Marriage Suit, L.A. Mayor Re-Elected, Brown Speaks to Congress, Darfur, Iran, Israel-Palestine, Afghanistan, Russia, Ti

by Duane Shank 03-05-2009

The latest news on the Budget, Immigration, Presidential Power, James Dobson, Bashir Warrant, Gordon Brown in U.S., Iran, Israel, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Russia, Congo, and Select Op-eds.

by Duane Shank 03-04-2009

The latest news on Presidential Power, Rally Against Greenhouse Gases, Muslim Americans, Housing & Homelessness, Prisons, Gordon Brown in U.S., Missile Defense & Iran, Clinton-Iran, Sudan-Darfur, Afghanistan, Mexico, Guinea-Bissau, and Select Op-eds.

by Duane Shank 03-03-2009

The latest news on Iraq troop withdrawal, Budget, Sibelius to HHS, Immigration, White House Web, Dobson Resigns, Obama & Brown to meet, Gaza, Iran, Pakistan, Kenya, Sudan, Afghanistan, Editorial, Opinion

by Duane Shank 03-02-2009

The latest news on Budget, Budget Analysis, D.C. Voting Rights, Victory in Chicago, Abortion, Iraq Withdrawal, Photos of War Coffins, Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, Palestine, Opinion.

by Duane Shank 02-27-2009