Joyce Hollyday is a co-founder and co-pastor of Circle of Mercy, an ecumenical congregation in Asheville, North Carolina. Her most recent book, Pillar of Fire, is a historical novel that celebrates the extraordinary witness of the medieval mystics known as Beguines. She is the author of other several books, including Clothed with the Sun: Biblical Women, Social Justice, and Us and Then Shall Your Light Rise: Spiritual Formation and Social Witness. She was a founding member of Witness for Peace, a grassroots organization committed to nonviolence and led by faith and conscience. She was formerly the Associate Editor for Sojourners.
Posts By This Author
'Glory To God ...'
On Kyle's fifth Christmas, he gained a new and special excitement about the birth of Jesus.
From Angels and a Bed of Straw
We don't talk about it much. Sometimes we talk about how we're not talking about it.
Gunboats and Butter
His speech was smoother than butter, yet war was in his heart;
His words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords.
--Psalm 55:21
In Repentance
Thirty-eight years ago this month, two U.S. bombers took off three days apart from the Pacific island of Tinian, at that time the largest airfield in the world.
Misleading the Nation
Only 13 times in 30 years has a U. S. president called a joint session of Congress.
Brown-Bag Blues
Three years ago at our Annual Weekend After Groundhog's Day Sojourners Community Talent Show, one of our households portrayed a modern version of the parable of the Good Samaritan.
Nicaragua: Dugout Canoes Promote Terror
An interview with U.S. Ambassador Anthony Quainton
A Plea From The Heart
Late last year we received an invitation to come to Nicaragua.
When Justification Is Named Certification
At our most recent Sojourners staff meeting, we were reviewing the content of this month's issue: "...and there will be an editorial on the justification of aid to El Salvador."
Hope and New Life
Dawn. We begin our trek to merge ourselves with the thousands of other cars converging on the tunnels and bridges that lead into New York.