Julienne Gage is a Miami-based journalist who investigates economic development in the U.S. and Caribbean. 

Posts By This Author

Fire at Home

On January 5, a firebomb destroyed the car of José Pertierra in Washington, D.C.

Life in the Inland Empire

The Inland Northwest, which includes eastern Washington and northern Idaho, is known more because of stories about Ruby Ridge and the Neo-Nazi headquarters in Hayden Lake, Idaho, than for its wooded tranquility.

Straining the Gap

Resources for Study and Action

by Julienne Gage 01-01-1996

Latino March on Washington

Defending One's Homeland

Two-Way Streets of Resentment

by Julienne Gage 01-01-1996

Tiesha became nervous as Ann and I took her trick or treating through Columbia Heights. "I hope they don't shoot you two!" she said.

The Recognition of Justice

Acts of Remembrance

Marching Forward

Bridges of Justice to Africa

Burma's Bottom Line