Mimi Haddad is president of Christians for Biblical Equality.

Posts By This Author

Everyone Is Called to Serve

by Mimi Haddad 10-28-2008
How many of you love listening to people who are retired discuss their life achievements?

Different but Equal?

by Mimi Haddad 10-21-2008
I met an extraordinary teenager recently who had come to faith in a small town in Latvia. He was passionate about Jesus and wanted to live his life fully for Christ.

Egalitarians' Feminism Based on Scripture, Not Secular Ideals

by Mimi Haddad 10-10-2008

For egalitarians, it is an appeal to scripture rather than liberal political thought (as Sarah Sumner suggested in Christianit

Holy Boldness by Biblical Women

by Mimi Haddad 10-01-2008
Last week I celebrated the political prominence women enjoy today as a direct extension of the gains earned for women by early evangelica

SBC-Controlled Bookstores Remove Magazine With Women Pastors on Cover

by Mimi Haddad 09-26-2008

Just recently, more than 100 bookstores controlled by the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) removed the recent issue of Gospel Today-an issue whose cover highlighted the gospel-work of women.

Standing on the Shoulders of Women Leaders

by Mimi Haddad 09-25-2008

Regardless of your political affiliation or inclinations, the presidential campaign this year has been one of "firsts" for women.