Mimi Haddad is president of Christians for Biblical Equality.
Posts By This Author
Everyone Is Called to Serve
How many of you love listening to people who are retired discuss their life achievements?
Different but Equal?
I met an extraordinary teenager recently who had come to faith in a small town in Latvia. He was passionate about Jesus and wanted to live his life fully for Christ.
Egalitarians' Feminism Based on Scripture, Not Secular Ideals
For egalitarians, it is an appeal to scripture rather than liberal political thought (as Sarah Sumner suggested in Christianit
Holy Boldness by Biblical Women
Last week I celebrated the political prominence women enjoy today as a direct extension of the gains earned for women by early evangelica
SBC-Controlled Bookstores Remove Magazine With Women Pastors on Cover
Just recently, more than 100 bookstores controlled by the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) removed the recent issue of Gospel Today-an issue whose cover highlighted the gospel-work of women.
Standing on the Shoulders of Women Leaders
Regardless of your political affiliation or inclinations, the presidential campaign this year has been one of "firsts" for women.