Rick Chamiec-Case earned a B.A. in philosophy from Wheaton College, a M.A.R. from Yale Divinity School, a M.S.W. from the School of Social Work at the University of Connecticut, and a Ph.D. in social work from Fordham University.
Before coming to Sojourners, Rick was a consultant for faith-based nonprofit organizations for the past two years, and prior to that, he was the executive director of the North American Association of Christians in Social Work as well as the managing editor of Social Work and Christianity from 1997-2021. In the 1990s, Rick was senior vice president at ARI of Connecticut, which provides homes and jobs for people with disabilities. Rick has written and presented at conferences on various topics addressing the ethical integration of faith and social work and has research and scholarship interests in the areas of spirituality in the workplace and faith-based social services.
Rick has been a co-leader of an interfaith group committed to refugee resettlement as well as a co-leader of an interfaith gun violence prevention committee of CONECT in the state of Connecticut. He is a lay leader at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Bridgeport, Conn.