Dr. Valerie Elverton Dixon is an independent scholar who publishes lectures and essays at JustPeaceTheory.com. She received her Ph.D. in religion and society from Temple University and taught Christian ethics at United Theological Seminary and Andover Newton Theological School.
Posts By This Author
On Glenn Beck and the Restoring Honor Rally (Part I)
The Legacy of Martin Luther King: From 1963 to 2010
[Editor's Note: In anticipation of the anniversary of the March on Washington on August 28, 1963, God's Politics will feature a series of posts on the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King.
Loving in Spirit and in Truth: In Support of the Cordoba House (Part II)
In Support of the Cordoba House (Part I)
The Dangers of Just Peacemaking
President Obama on "The View"
Shirley Sherrod's True Revelation
Glenn Beck, Wrong Again
God's Provision in a Recession
Robert Byrd, Truth, and Peace
For the Widows and the Orphans
Jesus in My Father's Garden
President Obama Cannot Please Everyone
Silent Prayers and a More Than Perfect Game
Memorial Day: Giving Our Full Measure of Devotion to Peace

Photo via mdurson / Shutterstock
This Memorial Day, let us see and believe the just peace vision and give the full measure of our living devotion to bring into being a world where war is no more.
Christian Anti-Logic and Immigration Reform
Lena Horne's Bright Shining Light
Lena Horne is gone, but she remains a bright shining light.
Mother's Day Gifts
Praise the Lord and Fire Away
The U.S. military has 300,000 Advanced Combat Optical Gunsights (ACOG), with more on the way, and—as you may have heard—every one of them manufactured before this February had “JN8:12” inscribed at the end of the serial number. The markings, which were put there by the manufacturer, Michigan-based Trijicon Inc., refer to the Bible verse in which Jesus says, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”