The online editorial staff comprises Betsy Shirley, Jenna Barnett, Josiah R. Daniels, Mitchell Atencio, Heather Brady, Kierra Bennning, and Zachary Lee.

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Afternoon News Bytes: April 25, 2012

by the Web Editors 04-25-2012

Arizona And Interposition (OPINION) — The Bishops' War On Women, Nuns, And...Paul Ryan? — Drones For "Urban Warfare" — World Malaria Day 2012: A Critical Moment For Reversing Spread Of Malaria (OPINION) — Sudan Border Clashes: African Union, UN, Call For Peace — In Afghanistan, Underground Girls School Defies Taliban Edict, Threats — Britain In Recession, Intensifying Government Woes — Latest Record Results Show Apple A Bigger Global Power Than Most Nations — Catholic Church Breaks On Social Policy From Conservative Movement (VIDEO) — Latino Evangelicals Rally Voters Around Complex Election 2012 Agenda — Religious Youth To Obama: ‘Creation Care Is A Swing Vote For Many Evangelicals’.

Voice of the Day: Thich Nhat Hanh

by the Web Editors 04-25-2012

"In everyone there is the capacity to wake up, to understand, and to love." - Thich Nhat Hanh

Prayer of the Day: Islamabad plane crash

by the Web Editors 04-25-2012

God, comfort the families and friends of those who died in the Islamabad plane crash last week. Give them peace in their hearts, minds, and souls. Amen.

Verse of the Day: Energy and Inspiration

by the Web Editors 04-25-2012

"It is [Jesus] whom we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone in all wisdom, so that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil and struggle with all the energy that he powerfully inspires within me." - Colossians 1:28-29

Afternoon News Bytes: April 24, 2012

by the Web Editors 04-24-2012

Trayvon Martin Case: Bill Lee, Sanford Police Chief, Remains Under Scrutiny — Stress Rises On Social Security — Democrats Plan To Force Vote On Arizona Immigration Law If It’s Upheld By Court — U.N. Observers Prove Little Deterrent To Syrian Attacks — From Democracy Poster Child To Broken State — The List: Accounting For The Iraqi Allies — America Left Behind The Peace Narrative — Obama Slipping Among Young White Voters — In Chicago: Nobel Laureates And Students Defending Human Rights, One Step At A Time (OPINION) — How Can We Fix Transportation In America? Ask A Nine-Year-Old.

Voice of the Day: Henri J.M. Nouwen

by the Web Editors 04-24-2012

"Patience is not waiting passively until someone else does something. Patience asks us to live the moment to the fullest, to be completely present to the moment, to taste the here and now, to be where we are. When we are impatient, we try to get away from where we are. We behave as if the real thing will happen tomorrow, later, and somewhere else. Let’s be patient and trust that the treasure we look for is hidden in the ground on which we stand." - Henri J.M. Nouwen

Prayer of the Day: Immigration Reform

by the Web Editors 04-24-2012

Most Holy Lord, You are ever present and ever merciful for people on the move. We thank you for the blessings of our own immigrant heritage. We thank you for the privilege of participating in the government of this great country. Help us as people of faith call boldly for justice in our immigration laws. May our call be heard and echoed by our legislators and our president. Amen. A prayer from Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Services

Verse of the Day: Trees of the Field

by the Web Editors 04-24-2012

"For you shall go out in joy, and be led back in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall burst into song, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands." - Isaiah 55:12

Afternoon News Bytes: April 23, 2012

by the Web Editors 04-23-2012

Arizona Immigration Law Is No National Model Says Marco Rubio – Evangelicals 'Coming Around' To Evidence For Global Warming, Professor Says – How Nixon Aide Chuck Colson’s Ideas Transformed American Evangelicalism – Younger Colorado Voters Are United By Faith, But Divided By Politics – Cornel West And Tavis Smiley: Poverty In America Threatens Democracy – Make Poverty History 2 To Launch In 2013 – Poverty In America: Defining The New Poor – Asia’s Rising Inequality A Policy Priority – Evangelical Christians Agree, Disagree On Budget Priorities.

Transcript: Obama's Remarks at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

by the Web Editors 04-23-2012

President Barack Obama and Elie Wiesel reflected in a wall in the Hall of Remembrance. BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images

President Barack Obama on Monday vowed to crack down on Iran and Syria and promised to "never again" allow atrocities like those seen during the Holocaust. Speaking from the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Obama first toured the facility with Holocaust survivor and Elie Weisel. 

Following is the transcript from Obama's remarks. 


Verse of the Day: In Every Living Creature

by the Web Editors 04-23-2012

"But ask the animals, and they will teach you; the birds of the air, and they will tell you; ask the plants of the earth, and they will teach you; and the fish of the sea will declare to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In [God's] hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of every human being." - Job 12:7-10

Voice of the Day: Robert Corin Morris

by the Web Editors 04-23-2012

"What we cultivate and care about inwardly either freshens or poisons the bloodstream of humanity." - Robert Corin Morris

Prayer of the Day: For the Beauty of the Earth

by the Web Editors 04-23-2012

For the beauty of the earth For the glory of the skies, For the love which from our birth Over and around us lies. Lord of all to thee we raise This our hymn of grateful praise.
Taken from Folliot Pierpoint’s 1864 hymn, “For the Beauty of the Earth”

South Korean Christians Pray to Stop Lady Gaga Concert

by the Web Editors 04-23-2012
Lady Gaga in Germany, September 2009

Lady Gaga in Germany, September 2009

South Korean Christians are trying to pray away Lady Gaga.

According to AFP, a group of Christians gathered Sunday night to pray and protest Gaga’s concert, scheduled for April 27.

Afternoon News Bytes: April 20, 2012

by the Web Editors 04-20-2012

Zimmerman 'Sorry' For Loss Of Martins' Son; Bond Set At $150,000 - Will Right Wing Really Let Mitt Romney `Pivot’ On Immigration? - The Evangelical Left In History And Today - Nebraska To Provide Prenatal Care To Undocumented Immigrants - Congressman Ryan's Delusional Politics - Religion, Politics Didn't Always Meet On The Right - There Are More Protected Places on Earth Now Than Ever Before - Sudan’s Return To War? - How Americans Lost Trust In Our Greatest Institutions - Awaiting A Verdict In Charles Taylor’s War Crimes Trial. 

Verse of the Day: Death to Life

by the Web Editors 04-20-2012

"No longer present your members to sin as instruments of wickedness, but present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life, and present your members to God as instruments of righteousness. For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace." - Romans 6:13-14

Voice of the Day: Emmet Fox

by the Web Editors 04-20-2012

"Welcome any change that comes into any phase in your life; insist that it is going to turn out for the better – and it will. See the Angel of God in it, and the Angel of God will make all things new." - Emmet Fox

Prayer of the Day: From Psalm 23

by the Web Editors 04-20-2012

God, give me the patience to rest in you. make me lie down in green pastures; take me by the hand to still waters. Lord, refresh my weary soul even when I resist. Amen.

Afternoon News Bytes: April 19, 2012

by the Web Editors 04-19-2012

W.H. Escalates Budget War — The Fight For 'The Persuadables' — U.N. Chief Says Syria Is Failing To Adhere To Peace Plan — Judge Quits In Trayvon Martin Shooting Case — Jobless Data Suggests Slowdown In Job Creation — Study: 8.3 Million Children Affected By Foreclosure Crisis — Biblical Literalism, Secularism And American Politics (OPINION) — Two-Paycheck Couples, Working Because They Must — Will Obama's New Rules Make Fracking Better For The Planet? — 21st Century Chain Gangs.

Prayer of the Day: Divisions

by the Web Editors 04-19-2012

Lord, grant that your holy and life-giving spirit may move ever human heart, that barriers which divide us may crumble, suspicions disappear, and hatred cease. Heal our divisions so that we may live in justice and in peace. Amen. Adapted from National Council of Churches in the Philippines