The online editorial staff comprises Betsy Shirley, Jenna Barnett, Josiah R. Daniels, Mitchell Atencio, Heather Brady, Kierra Bennning, and Zachary Lee.

Posts By This Author

Voice of the Day: Plum Village

by the Web Editors 10-13-2011
"I vow to offer joy to one person in the morning/ And to relieve the grief of one person in the afternoon./ I vow to live simply and sanely,/ Content with a few possessions./ I vow to keep my bod

Prayer of the Day: Clean Water

by the Web Editors 10-13-2011
Jesus, source of living water, we pray for all those who do not have access to clean drinking water.

Non Sequitur (Mostly)

by the Web Editors 10-12-2011


The Video Everyone's Talking About: FoxNews Gets Served by "Occupier"

by the Web Editors 10-12-2011

Prayer of the Day: Humility (from Philippians 2)

by the Web Editors 10-12-2011
We pray for a spirit of humility, that we might consider others as better than ourselves, and may look to the interests of others before our own. May we strive for the mind of Christ. Amen.

Verse of the Day: Justice and Righteousness

by the Web Editors 10-12-2011
"Even though you offer me your burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them; and the offerings of well-being of your fatted animals I will not look upon.

Voice of the Day: C.S Lewis

by the Web Editors 10-12-2011
"No [person] who values originality will ever be original.

Report from the Global Christian Forum in Indonesia: Day Four, Healing Memories

by the Web Editors 10-12-2011

Albania was perhaps the most closed society in the world during the Cold War, with absolutely ruthless persecution of all religion. Churches were destroyed in every corner of that country. Clergy were eliminated. Worship was outlawed. And enforcement was brutal.

When Communism fell, and the country opened for the first time in decades, the Albanian church began a miraculous process of rebirth. We heard the moving story of the Albania Orthodox Church, rebuilding countless church structures, but even more importantly, restoring faith in the hearts of its people. I've known its leader, Archbishop Anastasios, from past encounters at the World Council of Churches, and he surely is a saint. The revival of religious faith in Albania and its compassionate service to those in need is a magnificent story of the church's witness, and the Spirit's power.

Prayer of the Day: Southeast Asia

by the Web Editors 10-11-2011
God, we pray for people in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and the Philippines, who continue to suffer from floods.

News: Quick Links 2

by the Web Editors 10-10-2011

Was Christopher Columbus on a Religious Crusade? One of the Many Things Pundits Don't Get About Occupy Wall Street. Getting Religion: 10 Best Films on Faith. Pastors Say Mormons Not Christians, But Defend Candidate Against Attacks. Arab Fall, Arab Fail: Coptic Christians slaughtered in Egypt. Phony Christian "Values Voters" Event Turns Into Free-Range Gay Bashing and Hypocrisy. And "Why I Went To Occupy Portland: It Was The Christian Thing To Do."

News: Quick Links

by the Web Editors 10-10-2011

Tavis Smiley and Cornel West on poverty. The Value Voters Summit. U.S. Catholic Bishops remind Catholic voters about church teaching. Perry supporter calls Mormonism a "cult." Ron Paul wins Value Voter straw poll, with Cain in second place. Mitt Romney and religious bigotry. Ghana church says poverty "causes" homosexuality. Fox News attacks Lily the new Sesame Street poverty Muppet as "liberal bull." And Newt Gingrich says candidates are "not running for theologian-in-chief."

The Spiritual Side of #OccupyWallStreet

by the Web Editors 10-10-2011

USA Today's religion reporter Cathy Lynn Grossman has a great post this morning looking at coverage of the spiritual import of the #OccupyWallStreet protests from the perspective of several religious commentators, including Catholic writer/professor Tom Beaudoin and Jewish writer/actor Jake Goodman.

Verse of the Day: Holy Guidence

by the Web Editors 10-10-2011
"Our steps are made firm by the Lord, when [the Lord] delights in our way; though we stumble, we shall not fall headlong, for the Lord holds us by the hand." - Psalm 37:23-24

Voice of the Day: T.S. Eliot

by the Web Editors 10-10-2011
"We shall not cease from exploration/ And the end of all our exploring / Will be to arrive where we started / And know the place for the first time." - T.S. Eliot

Prayer of the Day: Harvest

by the Web Editors 10-10-2011
God, during this season of harvest, help us to see your abundance, and share it with those around us. Amen.

Prayer of the Day: Afghanistan (5 of 5)

by the Web Editors 10-07-2011
God of all people, forgive us for waging war against our brothers and sisters. Forgive us for not seeing our enemies as your creation.

Verse of the Day: All Give Thanks

by the Web Editors 10-07-2011
"O give thanks to the Lord, for [the Lord] is good; for [the Lord's] steadfast love endures forever.

Voice of the Day: Anne Wilson Schaef

by the Web Editors 10-07-2011
"We can create a world as yet unimagined, a world undreamed, yet dimly felt. We are like the corn.

Jon Stewart: Media to #OccupyWallStreet, "What's Up, Brotesters?"

by the Web Editors 10-06-2011


Oh, Mr. Stewart, how we love you...

Voice of the Day: Ben Okri

by the Web Editors 10-06-2011
"Yes, the highest things are beyond words. That is probably why all art aspires to the condition of wordlessness.