Sojourners Magazine: April 1976
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Dr. Henry is internationally recognized as one of the principal leaders of the evangelical movement.
Taxi Driver shows that the distinction between heroic and criminal killing is often tenuous and raises the question of what happens when America’s trained killers return home to find situations and people they like no better than those in Southeast Asia.
The Evangelicals: What They Believe, Who They Are, Where They are Changing. Edited by David F. Wells and John D. Woodbridge. Abingdon Press, 1975. $8.95.
Ever since the Church of the Saviour community came into existence more than 25 years ago, it has been changing and evolving.
Paul told the Christians at Rome, beset with divisive quarrels, “Let us therefore cease judging one another, but rather make this simple judgment: that no obstacle or stumbling-block be placed in a brother’s way.
It is only since putting aside childish things that it has come to mind so forcefully -- and so gladly -- that the circus is among the few coherent images of the eschatological realm to which people still have access and that the circus thereby affords elementary insight into the idea of society as a consummate event.
We are living in a unique and hopeful time in history, when the dynamic of the church as the continuation of Christ’s body on earth is being rediscovered.
In last month’s column I expressed a conviction that fundamental changes in the attitude of church leaders will be a necessary first step toward restoring to the church its biblical self-image.
What is the point in saying no, what is the point in not saying no? The questions make sense as long as there is a point toward which the questions are moving.