THE EXCELLENT articles by Richard K. Taylor ("Seeing the World Through New Lenses") and Joe Nangle, O.F.M. ("Shining Path: Exposing Ideological Blinders") in the January 1993 issue provide much needed clarity on the relationship between a Christian stance on social issues and secular approaches. Too often Christian activists allow ourselves to condone un-Christian methods of attaining goals we share with others. This occurs most often when we condone killing for the sake of alleged justice.
Peace and justice are closely related. But when we link them, we do well to consider which should have priority when they conflict or appear to conflict. This issue is sharpened by the decision of Jesus, consistent with his whole life and teaching, to submit to the injustice of the crucifixion rather than join the Zealots in a violent revolution for freedom and justice.
Phil Moulton
Sandy Spring, Maryland
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