A Faith-Based Solution
The Heart of Racial Justice: How Soul Change Leads to Social Change, by Brenda Salter McNeil and Rick Richardson. John Perkins provides a foreword to this practical book, which argues that real racial reconciliation depends on both internal change and community transformation. Includes an extensive list of resources, such as films that address race and privilege, questions for small group discussion, and books that address principalities and powers. InterVarsity Press.
Theres More
Maybe you thought youd heard the final word from Brian McLaren, a pastor and leader in the emergent church movement. But here comes The Last Word and the Word After That: A Tale of Faith, Doubt, and a New Kind of Christianity, the third book in his trilogy about the struggles of fictional pastor Daniel Poole and his friend Neil Oliver. This final volume takes readers to hell and back, as McLaren asks whether our views of hell reflect misunderstandings about who God is. Jossey-Bass.
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In Sermons from Duke Chapel: Voices from A Great Towering Church, William Willimon, longtime dean of the chapel at Duke University, has compiled a greatest hits collection of sermons preached at the chapel since 1935. The likes of Howard Thurman, Barbara Brown Taylor, and Will Campbell offer biblical reflection but also prophetic words on the issues of their day - the civil rights movement, the wars in Vietnam and Iraq. A historical treasure as well as an inspiring read. Duke University Press.
A Sweet Story
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