In Tattoos and Bright Lights in the April issue of Sojourners, gang chaplain Chris Hoke of Tierra Nueva bears witness that, although cycles of violence cross borders ? between different parts of the Americas and between government, gang, and individual actions ? in every place God has power to heal. Here?s more testimony about God?s power to the outsiders, from a song from Tierra Nueva?s worship music.
by Chris Hoke
[Italics are quoted from Jesus' only public praise in Luke 10:21]
"Padre, Te alabamos
Porque has mostrado a los sencillos
Las cosas que escondiste de los sabios
Asi lo has querido"
You chose what is low and despised
To reveal your ways to the wise
You use the weak
To bring low the kings and the powers
For this is your good pleasure
The stones builders have all rejected
You've chosen, you call them precious
The cornerstones for the Kingdom that is coming...
For this is your good pleasure
"Father, Lord of heaven and earth--
We praise you
For revealing these things to the children
And hiding them from the wise and the learned
For this was your good pleasure"
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