Thank you for your articles on human trafficking (“Ending ‘The World’s Most Savage Cruelty,’” February 2012). They played an essential role in shaping my sermon last Sunday; Jesus’ work of freeing those who are possessed makes a powerful connection with the work of rescue and restoration you highlighted.
I intend to challenge the men and youths in our congregation to take a vow: “Made aware that all forms of so-called adult entertainment—from pornography to strip clubs to prostitution—are implicated in the degradation and deaths of thousands of women and children, I vow that not one dollar, not one dime of mine will feed the demonic beast of human trafficking. If it means struggling against my own longings for titillation or missing my best friend’s bachelor party, so be it. I refuse to support those who with cruel and callous greed destroy our sisters, daughters, and young boys.”
Blessings on the voice you give to victims of injustice.
Rev. John Burow
Clawson, Michigan
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