Sojourners Magazine: April 2017
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As Christians, we want to welcome the stranger, stand in solidarity with Muslims, care for the earth, heal the sick, and protect the vulnerable--but what are we to do when everything we care about is threatened at once? In this issue, Wesley Granberg-Michaelson reminds us that "resistance alone does not sustain a community." Instead, he urges followers of Jesus to anchor ourselves more deeply in the bedrocks of our faith: memory, truth, community, suffering, and solidarity.
Cover Story
"What is truth?" Pontius Pilate asked Jesus. It's an important question.
Resistance alone does not sustain a community. It requires a shared life that is rooted in deep spirituality.
A worker-owned co-op in North Carolina creates a 'virtuous circle' of opportunity for immigrants.
There's a reason why freedom of the press and religious freedom reside together in the First Amendment.
Sexual assault casts a long shadow over athletics—even at Christian colleges.
Seventeen percent of U.S. special forces deployed abroad are in Africa—where the U.S. is not (officially) at war.
Culture Watch
Mano Dura: The Politics of Gang Control in El Salvador, by Sonja Wolf. University of Texas Press.
Watershed Discipleship: Reinhabiting Bioregional Faith and Practice, edited by Ched Myers, foreword by Denise M. Nadeau. Cascade Books.
Mira Nair is courageous in asserting that the film industry requires a reboot.
Light dimming now the two friends hurry
to lower the body. Joseph’s thumb bleeds,
stuck by thorns when he cradled the head
while servants wrapped limbs in carry sling.
Nicodemus staggers beneath a hundred
Elements of identity politics may have advanced dogmas that undermine the very values that undergird the movement.
The recovery of financial markets has been very good — for the already wealthy.
Active-bystander intervention is what 'love your neighbor' looks like in public.