Sojourners Magazine: April 2021
Family values, same-sex marriage, and the Book of Discipline.
Reflections on a forbidden wedding in a time of denominational divide.
The Phoenix Restorative Justice Center helps schools and communities find healthy ways to resolve conflict.
Christian denominations around the world have been torn asunder around questions concerning the full inclusion of LGBTQ members.
More than a century of U.S. history lies behind recent reports.
Events like the Jan. 6 attack leave wounds to the soul and psyche.
Three culture recommendations from our editors.
For years, social media platforms have profited from a business model that ignores truth and promotes outrage.
Presidential portraiture conceals as much as it reveals.
Airing when essential workers are keeping a COVID-19-stricken U.S. going, the reality show couldn’t be timelier.
An excerpt from Blessed Union: Breaking the Silence about Mental Illness and Marriage.
Yolanda Pierce's book considers the promise of the Black church.
A poem.
Reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle B.
From our humor columnist.
The Apocalyptic Visions of Conspiracy Christians
QAnon narratives have been woven together with Christian visions of a final battle.