This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: August 1994

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Cover Story

The neglected variable in the population and environment equation
Human population growth and reverence for life
The human costs of maldevelopment
'A new way of seeing' population, consumption, and the environment
Race, class, and the theology of domination


How many more lives must be lost before the world community acts?
The unavoidable reality is that where there is severe poverty, adding more people makes the suffering worst.
Ellul remains a witness of resurrection.
Sometimes technology acts more to prolong the dying than it does to help with living.


If our society has made an idol of bigness and success, have peace and justice movements made one of smallness and lack of success?
I hope that in the battle of instincts, nurture and nonviolence will win out.
The pain of these questions for all concerned borders on unbearable.
H'rumphs: Healthcare and insurance

Culture Watch

The challenge of a historical novel
Spiritual healing in an age of skepticism
"Marvin the Album" by Frente! 
Bill Miller sings of past and present.
Evangelical Christians reach out to "the other."
The refreshment offered by womanist theology
The blended beauty of Indigo Girls