The sky is dark against the stars
and night sounds scamper away
stillness wraps 'round
that place of silence in our hearts
where triumphant caroling
hastens in the Lord
we wait, breathless and patient
a turning sword cuts deep there
slicing out the dross
we gasp and grasp the pain
and find in our hands
the wounded hand of the Lord
grace pours in
enough for tomorrow
Friend, I give you the night.
Have you heard?
The Lord has come.
A light bursts into the morning
it is the Son
hastening to the death of birth
and the birth of death
to give his life to us
in a million daily gestures, signs, and promises
his love enfolds
and deep in my heart grows a pain that knows
such love in reflection
dimly in a mirror
I cringe
--"Get thou behind me, Satan"--
stand tall, welcome in the light of the world
Friend, I give you the day.
Have you heard?
The Lord has come.
Jennifer Haines is a member of Sojourners Fellowship.
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