This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: December 2015

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"We want to see people that look like us- and understand our bilingual, bicultural realities- leading us and paving the way,” says Elizabeth Ríos in Maria-Pia N. Chin’s December cover story on Latina and Latino leaders in the church. Taking our cue from Ríos and other leaders whose understanding of justice is rooted in a multilingual context, we published our cover story in both Spanish and English- a first for Sojourners. Read more on how these leaders are transforming social justice in the church. 

Cover Story

Bishop Minerva Carcaño
How Latina and Latino Christian leaders are reshaping the church's understanding of social justice. 
Bishop Minerva Carcaño
Cómo es que líderes cristianos latinos están transformando lo que la iglesia entiende sobre la justicia social.


Illustration by David Gothard
While world leaders drag their feet on meaningful carbon limits, climate activists begin to turn the tide against the fossil fuel industry
Kim family photos
The God of the Bible often works through "outsider" women. 
Shutterstock / lestyan
An essay on how we live the lives we choose. 


Prazis / Shutterstock
Advent is a season of journeys- dangerous and otherwise. 
olivier borgognon / Shutterstock
The greatest hope for a peaceful and democratic Syria is its civil society. 
Gail Johnson / Shutterstock
Alaska Natives offer the gift of "Denali"- and wisdom on how to live well within the land.


What will it take to interrupt the spiral of violence?
Ken Davis
Is 'Poperific' a word? How about 'Popetastic'? 'Popenado'?
Volkova / Shutterstock
Pope Francis' visit gave us a glimpse of the reign of God 
nobeastsofierce / Shutterstock
I have hope that repentance will lead to the reform of our broken justice system. 

Culture Watch
Chosen?: Reading the Bible amid the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, by Walter Brueggemann, Westminster John Knox Press.
Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age, by Sherry Turkle, Penguin Press.
Messiansim Against Christology: Resistance Movements, Folk Arts, and Empire, by James W. Perkinson. Palgrave.
A Strangeness in My Mind, by Orhan Pamuk. Knopf. 
Getty Images
White supremacy, black power, and the hard road to justice. 
David Lee / Shutterstock
The NFL may have even more power than Big Tobacco once had.
Liz Vice /
Four December culture recommendations from our editors. 
Songquan  Deng / Shutterstock
Authentcity is what matters, not how "elite" the work can appear to be.


Everett Historical / Shutterstock
Letters to the Editor from Sojourners readers
jorisvo /
Reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle C.