Sojourners Magazine: December 2021
Cole Arthur Riley's social media space @BlackLiturgies gives voice to a spirituality born of the movement for Black lives.
Cole Arthur Riley's viral social media account reframes what “liturgical” language sounds like.
Cartographer Molly Burhans is leveraging GIS technology to transform the Catholic Church's land use.
Christians are among those asking (if, for some, belatedly): 'What can I do?'
Advent reminds us that even the God of the universe sought asylum in the wake of violent oppression.
Coercing communities to embrace industrial farming through AGRA is not a solution to poverty.
Our generation has fallen short on climate action, but there's still time to change our legacy.
Vengeance is a formula for a vicious cycle of violence.
Grief, relationship, and sacred space in Céline Sciamma’s Petite Maman.
What the Met Gala reveals about media manipulation.
Through Theater of War, Brooklyn's Jumaane Williams helps audiences process tragedy.
Clint Smith's How the Word Is Passed shows how different places tell, or do not tell, the truth.
Melissa Florer-Bixler's new book makes the biblical case for emboldened anger against injustice.
Three culture recommendations from our editors.
A poem.
December reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle C.
I kissed dating goodbye and started washing people's feet with my hair.
A Call to Conscience for Catholic Lawyers