This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: February 2008

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Cover Story

Rules of EngagementSeven principles for Christian political involvement in the world.1. God hates injustice.2. The kingdom of God is a new order.
Can a 21st-century faith revival change politics?


Will your own humanness really ruin your children for life?
Is a proper burial for World Trade Center victims a justice issue? Diane Horning's vigil for the conscience of America.
I often "miscue" in reading the story of the Good Samaritan.
The Foods Resource Bank Bridges the rural-urban divide through farming and giving.


The Millennial Generation gets creative to fight global warming.
Marketing infant formula at the cost of young lives.
Bush administration amnesia spells disaster for Darfur.


The Prosperity Gospel lets us have our cake and eat it, too. Also cookies. And donuts.
During Lent, we think about the saints who listened in the night.
Evangelicals are leaving the Religious Right in droves.

Culture Watch

White-collar life in the information age.
Tragically, Christian political activity today is a disaster. Christ­ians embrace contradictory positions on almost every political issue.
The gospel calls us to a “preferential option for the poor” to address the conditions of the 37 million adults and children who live in poverty in the United States.
FULL TRANSCRIPT - WEB EXCLUSIVE: An Interview with Fernando Botero by Rose Marie Berger
Before he was killed in World War I—tragically, just days before the Armistice—the poet Wilfred Owen wrote these words as preface to the book he never got to hold in his hands: “
EXCLUSIVO EN LA WEB: Entrevista con Fernando Botero Por Rose Marie Berger
Even at a length of just under 100 pages, Ron Austin’s In a New Light: Spirituality and the Media Arts is four or five books in one, a quality that proves to be both an asset and a c
Ben Harper is known for songs that are either personal or political, and in Lifeline, his latest release with the Innocent Criminals, the songs embody both.


I cannot tell you why I taste death; the cupboards are reasonably arranged, the windows clean as rain.
I just read Ed Spivey Jr.’s piece about his first public recital (“Seriously, Is This What Hell is Like? December 2007), and I have to say it was inspired.
The tide of political priorities among white evangelicals may be turning.
Color of Money. In 1974, the U.S. median black income was 63 percent of that of whites.
Christians tell the same story over and over even though we know how it ends. We dread the execution even as we anticipate the resurrection.
Your magazine just brought me to tears. I was standing in front of the magazine display in the library of Montrose, Colorado, when I happened to see your latest issue.
If you don’t want to drink milk from cows injected with hormones, then be careful buying milk in Pennsylvania. As of Feb.
An estimated 25,000 people gathered in Novem­ber at the gates of Fort Benning in Georgia as part of the 18th annual School of the Americas protest. The U.S.
Twenty-first century technological advances make it possible to carry the ancient scriptures everywhere you go with the $10 Itty Bitty Bible!
To your rich November 2007 special issue, “Tel­ling Stories,” on books and theater, I’d like to add a brief but, to me, significant emendation.
The 2007 reauthorization of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) brought together a diverse, bipartisan coalition to encourage Congress to improve the bill.