Back to Basics
For a double dose of spiritual disciplines, check out Sabbath, by Dan Allender, and Fasting, by Scot McKnight, the newest books in a series on ancient practices. The Sabbath is meant to be an encounter with God’s delight, says Allender, not simply a break from busyness. McKnight urges us to consider the ways fasting connects the spiritual and the physical. Both offer substantive scriptural accounts of both practices. Thomas Nelson
The Church’s People
The Church on Dauphine Street, a film by Ann Hedreen and Rustin Thompson, profiles Blessed Seelos, a parish in New Orleans’ upper Ninth Ward that was devastated by Hurricane Katrina. A colorful cast of characters—Father Joseph Benson, ex-Marine Arthine Vicks, scads of volunteers who rebuild the church, and parishioners—tell the story of this vibrant church’s efforts to move forward.
Abundant Life
For Joe Nangle, OFM, author of Engaged Spirituality: Faith Life in the Heart of the Empire, spirituality is rooted in the incarnation, of God-with-us. It is an “other-oriented spirituality,” he writes, that takes into account our living in empire, the most powerful country on earth. Incarnational spirituality “offers the best hope for the people of this self-seeking, domineering, terribly fearful empire to redeem our very souls.” Orbis
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