Against the gray of concrete and stone buildings, the vibrant colors of the Paint Your Faith mural on a wall of Metropolitan United Church in downtown Toronto can be seen from blocks away. In September 2009, four notable aerosol artists-who go by the monikers Chor Boogie, Siloette, Elicser, and Mediah-were commissioned by The United Church of Canada to create the 30-foot-by 60-foot mural to engage the public with an artistic expression of faith. Each artist spray-painted their personal response on a quadrant of the wall.
"We wanted to show that Christians are about more than just words and debate," says Aaron McCarroll Gallegos, executive producer of, an interactive, community Web site of The United Church of Canada. "Christians are also about colors and sounds and healing in different ways. God works in our hearts and lives in ways that cannot always be articulated in words."
WonderCafe is also planning a Paint Your Faith mural in Vancouver, B.C., with painting scheduled to start on April 21, 2010, and the mural slated to be revealed on April 28.
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