Our New Look
If you think this issue of Sojourners is brighter, more inviting, and easier to read, you must have picked up the wrong magazine. No, just kidding. This is the first issue of the long-awaited Sojourners Lite. New format. Bigger graphics. More white space. And less filling. So no more complaints about long articles, or page margins so small that your thumbs always covered up type. (We used to read our issues on a music stand; didn't everybody?).
It's all different now. We even have new departments, such as a lectionary section that pastors can read out loud on Sundays (instead of preparing their own sermons). And a grassroots news section, and an extra page of editorials. And a food page. (A food page? Don't ask me, it wasn't my idea.)
Feature articles will be shorter (they couldn't get much longer...) in hopes that they can be read in a single sitting, instead of stretched out over a semester.
And white space. We got some white space. Lots of white space. El blanco grande. Vast, empty plains of white space. Yawning, horizonless voids of white space. Changeless gaps of colorless abrogaciousness (is this thesaurus great, or what?!).
The contents page has been redesigned so you can actually find things in the issue. (Nobody ever told me what that page was for until now, so I naturally assumed it was just a place to put extra type that was too small to read.)
All in all, the new Sojourners is going to be more reader-friendly, especially to long-term subscribers. (Short-term subscribers may find the changes merely reader-congenial.)
But more important, H'rumphs is now--and forever--a full page. Amen.
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