Plan of Action
So you want to organize your church or community against global warming, but you don’t know where to start? Pick up Fight Global Warming Now: The Handbook for Taking Action in Your Community, by Bill McKibben. It’s full of the nuts-and-bolts lessons McKibben and his team learned when they launched last year’s Step It Up campaign, which resulted in 1,400 demonstrations across the country. Holt
Musical Basics
Experience … 101 is a tutorial on basic life lessons for kids that’s easy on the ears. The six members of the a cappella group Sweet Honey in the Rock sing about the virtues of education, trust, and following one’s moral and spiritual compass. “You’re a child of God, honor yourself /Be brave, humble and true,” sings Carol Maillard in “4 U 2 Know As U Grow.” The 18 tracks are upbeat, energetic, and easy to sing along with. Appleseed
Electronic Exegesis
“The preaching and hearing of the Word lies at the heart of the life of faith,” begins Texts for Preaching, an easy-to-use lectionary commentary based on the NSRV. The commentary, in CD-ROM form, covers years A, B, and C. Each set of readings—verses from the Hebrew Testament, a psalm, a gospel, and an epistle—are introduced and then interpreted by one of the series editors, which include Walter Brueggemann and Beverly Roberts Gaventa. Westminster John Knox Press
Moral Vision
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