In 1978, Old Testament scholar Walter Brueggemann published his classic work on the biblical prophets, The Prophetic Imagination. Since then, the book has inspired inspired hundreds of scholars, pastors, and activists to rethink what it means to be a prophetic in their own contexts, writes Kenyatta Gilbert in the January 2018 issue of Sojourners. Here's how five Christian leaders have been influenced by Brueggemann's classic book. —The Editors
Kwok Pui-lan
author, Postcolonial Imagination and Feminist Theology
"Brueggemann's critique of royal consciousness and structures opened the door for us to engage in post-colonial critique of the Bible and imperialist ideology in religion. Rarely would you find a classic that speaks so poignantly to today's political situation as it was published 40 years ago. Now more than ever, we cannot succumb to despair, but learn from the hopefulness in the book."
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