This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: January-February 1996

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Cover Story

A black woman's perspective on the Million Man March.
It's time for a new conversation on race in America.
A call to address the black church leadership crisis.


Latinos' culture of healing draws on Christian and indigenous traditions.
How language reflects our understanding of God.


The prospects for progress after Rabin.
Budget cuts should make us weep--and rage.
After the 1992 riots following the first Rodney King verdict, I joined a delegation of international church leaders to Los Angeles.
The future of health care is on the chopping block.
Mixed motives and good fruit.
When cultural diversity clashes with human rights.


Sojourners has invaded cyberspace. Or perhaps it's the other way around.
Talk about basic ingredients. Look at a package of pasta sometime: flour. You can't get much simpler than that.
Woe to the legislators of infamous laws
On May 12, 1982, Thony Green woke about dawn to put on the coffee at the Open Door Community in Atlanta.
Tiesha became nervous as Ann and I took her trick or treating through Columbia Heights. "I hope they don't shoot you two!" she said.
Oops. Actually our 25th anniversary issue is coming up later this fall. I just forgot. I've been forgetting a lot lately since I'm getting older and...what was I saying?

Culture Watch

The architecture of life in two foreign films.
Sweet Honey's sacred offering.
I confess to being a year behind the curve on this whole ER thing. I know it's supposed to be the bright hope of network drama-dom.
Following the paths of justice, love, and reverence.
Confession and forgiveness as a pure formality.
The perspective of a faithful photojournalist.
Theodore Ward's Hope for a Better Racial Future


THE AUTHORS OF OUR cover article, "Can We Talk?," Andrea Ayvazian and Beverly Daniel Tatum, have worked together as anti-racism trainers and consultants since 1988...
LIKE GRAHAM AND NOLA Daniell of Perth, Australia, and the ancient Israelites, it is my practice to begin reading Sojourners on the back page.
Calling corporations and unions to their true vocations in the Detroit newspaper strike.
I AM A PASTOR of a congregation in a rural community and many of our members are farmers, so I have appreciated the attention you have given over the years to rural issues and sustainable agriculture...
IT WAS WITH A certain sense of dismay that I read through your November-December 1995 issue.
Call to Renewal Conference
ALTHOUGH I HAVE NOT found the new online relationships that Bob Sabath has, I do find that my e-mail exchanges with existing friends have greatly enhanced our relationships and assisted us in keeping in touch. 
THE RECENT ISSUE of Sojourners seemed to me ironically to carry the seeds of its own critique.
I WAS GLANCING at a back issue of Sojourners last night. Jim Wallis recounted the wretched events that took place in Chicago this summer ("Hearts & Minds," September-October 1995).
These reflections actually began with Christmas, the incomprehensible feast celebrating the unbelievable fact: God with us, God loving us (see "Living the Word," November-December 1995). 
WHAT A JOY to discover among the rich contents of the November-December 1995 issue an item that proclaims a great truth
I could swim in this sea, this sea of Black helix hair and fleecy locks, waves of caramel,honey,Blue Black,Red brown chocolate faces...