Volunteer Opportunities
Northwest Center Maternity Home is reopening its doors in Washington, D.C., and is looking for caring, responsible pro-life women to staff the home and provide support to pregnant and parenting teens. Call Kathleen at (202) 483-7008.
Witness for Peace, a faith-based human rights organization, needs volunteers for work on Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Haiti. Help with documentation of U.S. foreign and economic policies, support for human rights, and hosting short-term delegations. Spanish fluency and two-year commitment are required. Contact 110 Maryland Ave. NE, Washington, DC 20002; (202) 544-0781; e-mail: Witness@w4peace.org
Jan Hus Presbyterian Church, a socially progressive church and community center, seeks candidates for mission volunteer positions in administration, office management, homeless outreach, and language programs. Computer skills are required; room, stipend, and insurance are provided. Contact Jan Orr-Harter, 351 E. 74th St., New York, NY 10021; (212) 288-6743; fax: (212) 879-0929.
Intercultural Nursing, a non-profit charitable organization that works through mission and health department sites, desires nurses for two-week volunteer opportunities in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Nurses, NPs, and translators are needed. Contact IN Inc., 356 Main St., Boxford, MA 01921; (508) 887-7066.
Employment Opportunities
A non-profit support house for women in the Chicago area is seeking a dedicated woman for part-time ministry and full-time residency. Ministry consists of presence and modeling of family values to women from disrupted families. Contact Director, P.O. Box 268711, Chicago, IL 60626; (773) 743-0057.
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