You might say that this is our summer travel issue--depending on how strictly you define geography. There are no descriptions of pristine beaches or cheap hiking getaways. But our writers get around, in their own way. Jim Wallis took advantage of a last-minute opportunity to go to South Africa for Nelson Mandela's inauguration and tells of that joy-filled occasion in his "Hearts & Minds" column. David Batstone, on the other hand, also writes in "Features" about election ramifications, but in Panama (where hope is not yet so easily found). Joyce Hollyday doesn't describe a trip in "Signs & Wonders," but an arrival--that of a Bosnian refugee family at the Atlanta airport. Others aren't traveling at all, in the physical sense, but are on journeys of another sort--John Dear, writing from a North Carolina jail cell where he awaits sentencing for a December 1993 Plowshares action; Andrea Ayvazian, promoting a path of radical ageing; and Verna Dozier, leading us along the spirit-trail of scripture. And for those who aren't happy unless they're crossing dimension, there's David Bremer and Ched Myers' lead Culture Watch article on director Wim Wenders' film angels. Get hungry when you're on the road? Be sure to check out Carey Burkett's "Simple Feast" on portable food (for your own travels).
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