Sojourners: Thank you for meeting us. Thank you for the work that you’ve been doing. It’s not easy to take that position as Archbishop of Cape Town; it’s a very significant role, not only in the Anglican Church, but in the worldwide view of the Church, and for how many years now? Almost 8 years now? Nine years?
Ndungane: Nine years.
Sojourners: You’ve been doing an excellent job.
Ndungane: Thank you! Thank you. Flattery won’t get you anywhere.
Sojourners: I do want to start with that. I want to start with thanking you. I really appreciate it. The first question is to get you to reflect with us about the experience of being in Selma, Alabama, on the 40th anniversary of Bloody Sunday—and what that incident meant in the American consciousness, in terms of the Civil Rights Movement. But also at that time, 40 years ago, you were in prison on Robben Island. You spent 3 years in prison for your political activities to conscientiousize people about Apartheid. And though you came from a strongly Christian family, I think that experience on Robben Island was perhaps a point of adult conversion for you.