Sojourners Magazine: July 2015
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Before Latino, African-American, and Anglo pastors from Dallas could work together to address racial and economic injustice, they had to take a hard look at their city’s history of white supremacy—and the “theological defense system” that has kept it in place.
As much as we'd prefer feel-good activism, the beatitudes pull us out of the comfort zone of the self that always wants to stop at having "done its part."
Today's stereotypes of the black family are hard-drawn, inhuman caricatures, not real humanity, explains Lisa Sharon Harper.
Forget cigars—some low-income communities in the U.S. are importing Cuba's health-care strategy.
Being pro-life means opposing capital punishment.
The Iran Framework could be one of the most significant nuclear nonproliferation achievements in history.
When I get tired of talking to myself, I talk to strangers. (Lucky strangers.)
Culture Watch
"Wanted: A Spiritual pursuit Through Jail, Among Outlaws, and Across Borders" by Chris Hoke
"Your Fathers, Where Are They? And The Prophets, Do They Live Forever?" by Dave Eggers
Brian Fallon's Christianity is less apparent than his Bruce devotion.
"Radiant Truths: Essential Dispatches, Reports, Confessions, & Other Essays in American Belief" edited by Jeff Sharlet
Reflections of the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle B
Cover Story
Faith-based organizers in Texas are still battling the ghosts of the Old South.