This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: July 2016

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How should people of faith think about non-human animals? And not just our pets, but obscure creatures, endangered species, and even the animals we eat. In our cover stories, professor Karen Swallow Prior takes a fresh look at evangelical Christian concern for animal welfare and ethicist Charles Camosy tackles questions about whether we can afford to address animal suffering when there is so much mistreatment of humans. 

Cover Story

AnnaTamila / Shutterstock
Concern for the welfare of animals has deep roots in scripture and Christian history. 
Ulrich Mueller / Shutterstock
The "bio" in bioethics must include how we treat the lives of nonhuman animals.


Solar Holler
Generating power, faith, and jobs with Solar Holler. 
Konstantin Yolshin / Shutterstock
What three days in prison with Jesus will do.
Sean Pavone / Shutterstock
In coalfield communities, a grassroots "people's pastoral" takes Catholic tradition in a new direction.


alisafarov / Shutterstock
Frustration and resentment can draw working-class people in multiple directions - including activism. 
thaikrit / Shutterstock
Are "pacifism" and "just war" the only choices?
Christina Richards / Shutterstock
Getting away with murder in Appalachia.

Culture Watch

With complex stories and artful design, some video games inspire empathy, not mayhem.
How to Survive the Apocalypse: Zombies, Cylons, Faith, and Politics at the End of the World, by Alissa Wilkinson and Rob Joustra. Eerdmans.
 Waging Peace
Waging Peace: Global Adventures of a Lifelong Activist, by David Hartsough with Joyce Hollyday. PM Press. Teaching Peace: Students Exchange Letters with Their Teacher, by Colman McCarthy. Vanderbilt University Press. 
We Are Charleston
An excerpt from We Are Charleston: Tragedy and Triumph at Mother Emanuel (Thomas Nelson, 2016).
Loretta Lynn
Loretta Lynn's honest ambivalence about motherhood was disturbing to the male gatekeepers of popular culture.
Four July culture recommendations from our editors.
Embrace of the Serpent
Human beings get the chance to discern the difference between the false and true self.


Everett Historical / Shutterstock
Letters to the Editor from Sojourners readers
Everett - Art / Shutterstock
Reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle C. 
Table Grace Cafe
Five questions for Matt and Simone Weber


Out of respect for the role the Karnofskys played in his life, Louis Armstrong wore a Star of David until he died.
Ken Davis
Funny Business by Ed Spivey Jr.
John M Anderson / Shutterstock
Some white Americans are deeply resentful about the loss of white supremacy and privilege. 
Elena Dijour / Shutterstock
Religion is rarely the only issue involved in persecution.