This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: July-August 1982

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Cover Story

Resistance as pastoral ministry.
A theological reflection on nuclear development.


Balancing the spiritualities of solitude and community.


Attempts to legally deny the civil and political rights of homosexuals in this country have been introduced sporadically in recent years.
Recently I was invited to address a group of 50 top military officers on the subject, "A Christian View of Nuclear War." 
I recently heard a retired British diplomat tell of a cable he sent years ago to a colleague at the United Nations who was embroiled in sensitive negotiations over Cyprus.
Sitting on a bench in Peace Memorial Park, it is almost impossible to believe that the atomic bomb was dropped here.
One morning a few weeks ago I opened the Washington Post to one of the most extraordinary newspaper headlines I have ever read: "Billy Graham: 'I Am Not a Communist.' "