- In "Suspicions of Conspiracy," Tom Sine examines some of the similarities and differences between certain strands of Christian apocalyptic thought and global conspiracy theories propagated by some political extremists. How do you interpret biblical passages that allude to Jesus' return or the end of the world? How does your denomination or tradition interpret such passages? Does your church or group ever examine and discuss the beliefs and doctrines of other Christian traditions?
- To offer pastoral support and deep companionship to people who have been victims of sexual abuse is a challenge for any faith community. The essays "'Where Was God?'" by Jamie Howison, and "Companions of Comfort," by Linda Crockett, wrestle with the issues involved in such healing work from the perspectives of both those giving pastoral care and those who suffered the abuse. What pastoral resources are available to victims of sexual abuse in your area? Is it a topic that can be discussed freely in your community? Would you characterize your church or group as more prophetic/activist or therapeutic/reflective?
- The commentary "Keeping the Promise," by David Wade, examines the Promise Keepers movement. What is your opinion of the goals of the Promise Keepers? Does your church or community have groups or settings in which men can explore spiritual and emotional intimacy with one another?
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