Employment Opportunities
Columbia Road Health Services, a faith-based health care center serving low-income people in Washington, D.C., seeks a clinical coordinator to supervise medical assistants and coordinate labs and OSHA compliance. Applicants must be an RN or have another health-related degree/supervisory experience. Contact Susan Wallin, Columbia Road Health Services, 1660 Columbia Road NW, Washington, DC 20009.
The Center for Action and Contemplation, a nonprofit organization committed to the integration of social justice and prayer, is searching for a manager to join its staff in Albuquerque, N.M. Contact Kathleen O'Malley, (505) 242-9588; cacforprophet@juno.com.
Volunteer Opportunities
St. Paul Catholic Worker is seeking a single person or married couple to live in a community dedicated to welcoming immigrants from Latin America. The house has warm informal connections to its local Catholic parish and university. Contact Casa Guadalupana, (651) 298-9988; ks.johnson@juno.com.
The ARC Center (Action, Reflection, Contemplation) north of Minneapolis, Minn., is seeking adult volunteers to join a residential ecumenical community providing hospitality for guests on retreat. Term of residence is at least one year and the community lifestyle puts emphasis on peace, justice, prayer, and simplicity. Contact (763) 689-3540; arcretreat@hotmail.com.
Retreats and Conferences
Walker Center, a Boston-area ecumenical conference and resource center, and Witness for Peace are sponsoring "Breaking the Spiral of Violence" with theologian Walter Wink, October 27-28 in Newton, Mass. Contact the Walker Center, (617) 969-3919; walkercenter@rcn.com.
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