Globalize Awareness
As protests in Seattle and Washington, D.C., have begun to raise awareness of the dark side of international financial and trade organizations, a new video from the World Economy Project asks if these institutions are creating a Global Village or Global Pillage. Featuring Ralph Nader and labor and human rights activists, this 27-minute program presents the problems created by the corporate "race to the bottom" of labor and environmental standards, and what can be done about it - including success stories of worldwide movements for economic justice. Cost is $25 ($10 for students and low-income) from the World Economy Project, Preamble Center, 1737 21st St. NW, Washington, DC 20009; (202) 265-3263 ext. 330; wep@preamble. org;
Reverse Psychology
Perhaps the last title you'd expect from the Mennonite Church Peace and Justice Committee is "Ten Ways to Help Start a War," a thought-provoking pamphlet on the roots of violent conflict. In addition to its backward suggestions regarding lifestyle, global awareness, entertainment, and theology, it also lists 10 additional resources to help you attack these issues. Cost is 15 cents each from the Mennonite Church Peace and Justice Committee, P.O. Box 173, Orrville, OH 44667;;
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