The place is the international religious zone of the city of Jerusalem. The pope of the Roman Catholic Church and the ecumenical patriarch of the Orthodox Church are co-celebrants for the Eucharist at a service that officially heals the rift between the Eastern and Western Church after 1,000 years of division.
Prophetess Gloria Elijah, secretary-general and "pastoral facilitator" of the Community of Christian Communions (CCC), is also participating in this service, which many are calling the most significant event in Christian history since the Reformation. Church leaders from around the world have gathered, while services of "virtual celebration" in several sites around the globe are occurring simultaneously. "Personal participants" who chose to link into this celebration from their individual communication modules are estimated to create an audience of more than 150 million.
Despite its historic significance, today's celebration is being taken almost for granted by Christians in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. Dramatic events in the life of the churches over the past 50 years not only led to today's historic Eucharist service, but also reshaped ecumenical relationships and institutions throughout the world.
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