The New World, by George Evans. In times like these I savor poetry that is prophecy, that moves nimbly between denunciation and annunciation. Evans served as a medic during the American war in Vietnam. In a poem titled "A Walk in the Garden of Heaven: A Letter to Vietnam," he writes: "We can't afford to heal. If we do, we'll forget, and if we forget, it will start again." Yet in the same poem, he observes: "There are so many wasted lives between us that only beauty makes sense." This great beauty of a book will nourish all who struggle to "make sense" out of war by opposing itand imagining alternatives for a new world.
Democracy Now. Where would we be without Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez of Pacifica radio, who take "exception to the rulers" with devastating exposés of government and corporate evildoing? Tuning in each day I feel like I'm sitting in on a global teach-in. With Goodman as our host, we study the latest horror, then share stories about what we the people are doing to rectify it, from demonstrating to whistle-blowing to promoting sustainable ways to live on the planet. Democracy Now is essential to the formation of a global citizenry.
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