Once upon a time, in a city by the sea, there stood a skyscraper, spearing the clouds like a beanstalk. The company that monopolized the structure was Grindit and Co. Its speciality: bug spray.
Horville Sash worked in the lowest reaches of the building. He was a minimum-wage worker. Mail room clerk.
There came a day when Horville found a roach scurrying across the floor. As mail room clerk, Horville had only bugs to command. To bully. He raised his foot to flatten the helpless speck.
"Spare me." The bug spoke.
"A speaking bug? Such a creature is worth millions." Visions of money cascaded through Horville's mind, splashing like a green, crisp waterfall of Washington-faced paper.
Horville spared the bug. His reward: a wish.
"I wish to be promoted to the second floor."
Granted. Horville's boss told him that very day. Horville marched into the second floor like MacArthur and Patton rolled into one. His efficiency apartment gave way to a three-bedroom town-house.
Wait. Horville heard footsteps on the ceiling of floor number two. There was a third floor. A higher level meant higher wages. Splashing, splashing, the visions of monetary waterfalls returned. Back to the bug. "Another wish? Are you sure?" asked the roach.
"I'm sure."
The next day, Horville rose to the third-floor post of sales coordinator. Goodbye townhouse. Hello, cottage by the lake.
No use. The promotions were kerosene to a flame. Desire grew. Burned. Horville wanted the 10th floor. He wanted to swim among the green paper portraits of presidents.
"One more wish." It was done. Horville entered his l0th-floor position like a sultan on the back of an elephant. Personal secretary. Spacious office. His title: executive of sales.
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