The "Commonlife" department of Sojourners is devoted to communities. Its monthly feature article has often profiled a community whose life we have wanted to share with our readers. We would like to broaden the focus to include practical issues of concern for rebuilding the church through shared life, with the hope that we can learn from each other in our common struggles.
This month's article is written by a member of New Jerusalem, a Catholic charismatic fellowship in inner-city Cincinnati, Ohio. We offer it in response to the many people who have asked questions about integrating new members into a community's life.
Suggestions or articles for this department should be sent to "Commonlife" at the editorial address.--The Editors
New Jerusalem's weekly Eucharist draws to a close, and the 300-odd persons crammed into the basement chapel settle down for miscellaneous community announcements. Visitors who are with us for the first time are asked to rise and be acknowledged. A warm round of applause greets the 10 or so people who stand awkwardly and shake the extended hands of community members around them. They are invited to an introductory talk after the gathering, and then the congregation joins in a closing song. To the newcomers standing in the midst of a sea of strange faces, it must seem that everyone in the community knows everyone else, that the intimacy of so many hugs and smiling faces belongs to a close group of old friends.
But in fact, New Jerusalem, like so many other communities blessed with a living faith and worship, constantly attracts visitors and new members. Some commit themselves and stay for years. Others come once or twice, or maybe remain for a few months and then leave, perhaps returning to parishes or prayer groups in other parts of Cincinnati.
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